
Our company supports a number of payment systems you need to pay for our services. Payment can be made in hryvnia, rubles, dollars, depending on the payment system.
When ordering a service (or paying an invoice), you will have several payment options available for you to choose from. Please read each of them in detail in order to quickly make payments in the way convenient for you in the future.

Choose the most convenient way to pay for our services:

  • By bank transfer.
  • Cash in any branch of Privat-Bank.
  • Payment using the Privat24 system.
  • In any branch of Ukrainian banks.
  • Through the payment system «WebMoney Transfer».
  • Through the payment system «Yoomoney».
  • Through the payment system «Interkassa».
  • Payment through the payment terminal IBox.
  • Payment through the payment system «2checkout»
  • Payment through the payment system «PayPal»
Did not find the necessary payment system, write to us!

Registration in the Webmoney system:

To pay for the services you ordered, you need to have your personal WebMoney account from which you will make payments. If you do not have a WebMoney wallet, you will need to register in the system and create a wallet. All payments go through the client control panel only! Services will be activated within 24 hours after receipt of payment. WMID to which payment is accepted: 178367689798

The order of payment for the services provided:

After selecting the service you are interested in, you need to click on the «Order» button, register in the control panel and then follow the instructions.
If you wish to receive free 48 hours of testing, you need to register in the control panel and place an order for the service you are interested in. When ordering, you must select a «test period».